We are so proud of our student musicians who took part in the the Sullivan County Music Educators Association's All-County Music Festival on Friday and Saturday. Livingston Manor Central School was represented by 34 students throughout the Middle School Band, Junior High Band, High School Jazz, Elementary Chorus, and Senior High Mixed Chorus. Students participated in a four-hour rehearsal on Friday night, followed by several hours of rehearsal on Saturday. All of their hard work culminated on Saturday, with three outstanding concerts that took place that afternoon. Additionally, LMCS instrumental music teacher Dan Smith chaired the JH Concert Band. Way to go, Wildcats
about 13 hours ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A conductor leads a chorus
A choir performs in front of a stage
Four instrumental musicians stand on stage as others perform in front of them.
Students musicians rehearse for a band concert
Hello Parents and Guardians! We wanted to provide a reminder that Arbiter Sports Spring registration is open for our Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Modified student-athletes at https://hello.students.arbitersports.com/. Please ensure your child's physical is up-to-date before the start of the season. Additionally, Varsity and Junior Varsity spring practices begin on Monday, March 17th. Modified spring sports practices for all teams will commence Monday, March 24th. We are excited to see our student-athletes competing this Spring!
1 day ago, LMCS Updates
The FCCLA chapter at Livingston Manor has been involved in lots of wellness initiatives at our school. They are piloting a healthier birthday treat option in Mrs. Luning's fourth grade class. Students can now opt to have the blender bike, celebration cart or healthy treats baked by our very own FCCLA. This month's healthy treats included four full avocados in the recipe. The kids thought they were so good they were licking the wrappers clean! #WellnessWednesday
1 day ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A student eats a cupcake at a desk
A student creates a treat  in a kitchen
Through our ThoughtExchange platform, we have gathered valuable input from both the community and students, allowing us to narrow down the potential names for the newly merged school to three finalists. From nearly 1000 community and students initial responses, the following three official school district names gathered the most support; Rockland Central School District, Twin Rivers Central School, and Livingston Manor-Roscoe Central School District. We greatly appreciate your feedback in helping us select the new official name for our new district. Please choose your top preference by using the following address: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdKuyShCFFYjL-Qc-bfnQymNnMKfBleqAaz2_bQiplYFn-qsQ/viewform?usp=header
2 days ago, LMCS Updates
Read Across America week was full of fun, activities and, of course, reading. Guest readers came into various classrooms, including Miss Mavila's first grade classroom, where Val Taggart, a former art teacher at LMCS, also brought in color changing crocodiles, which went with their book. The district also hosted its annual "Snuggle Up and Read" event with a theme of Reading is a Blast, which complemented the book fair theme of "Blast off for Reading."
3 days ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A person reads a book to people seated on a rug in a classroom
A student stands in front of a sign that says reading is a blast with a small blowup astronaut and a rocket as well as large star shaped balloons near her
A person in an astronaut helmit reads a book as a student stands next to her in a classroom
Young students decorate cookies
Two people pose in astronaut helmets in front of a sign that reads "Reading is a blast"
A woman holds up a large book for students to look at
A woman reads a book to a class seated on a rug
A woman reads a book to a class
A student drops a color changing crocodile figure into a glass of water as other students sit near and look at their own crocodiles
Mrs. Gillman's SCCC Fundamentals of Speech class has been working on weekly announcements...we look forward to sharing as the year continues! Please click on the link below to check out our first installment! https://www.canva.com/design/DAGg9xdoVGw/Xvxk5QgTonz-EC2YfTooBQ/watch?utm_content=DAGg9xdoVGw&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h8771b829d2
3 days ago, Adam Larson
Big news from The Orange County Interscholastic Athletic Association (OCIAA)! The boys basketball coaches have spoken, and our very own Ben Johnston and Kaleb Maldonado have been named to the Class C & D All-Star Team! This is a fantastic achievement, voted on by their peers, and a testament to their hard work and skill. Huge congratulations to Ben and Kaleb! We're incredibly proud of you both and can't wait to see what you accomplish next season!
3 days ago, LMCS Updates
Join the PTSA tomorrow night from 4:30-6:30 for Snuggle Up and Read. Some of our favorite LMCS alum will read their favorite stories to the students of LMCS. The book fair will be open during the event so that you can shop with your children. The theme of the Snuggle Up and Read this year is "Reading is a Blast"
8 days ago, Julie Buck
Last chance! We’re finalizing ideas for the new Livingston Manor-Roscoe CSD school name, mascot, and colors, and we need YOUR input! This is your opportunity to help shape the future of our school! The Board of Education Subcommittee will review your ideas on March 6, so don’t miss out! Join the ThoughtExchange today! https://tejoin.com/scroll/996308761
8 days ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A blackboard in the background with a hand holding a billboard that reads  take our school district identity thought exchange survey
Thanks to grant funding from Sullivan 180, LMCS started a composting initiative this school year. There are 6 indoor composters and one large outdoor compost being used to reduce food waste in our school. So far this year we have been able to compost nearly 600 pounds of food using the indoor composters and another 1,000 pounds of cafeteria waste using the outdoor compost bin. Students weigh food waste before adding to the compost, which when finished is add to the outdoor compost and/or gardens #WellnessWednesday
8 days ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A student weighs compost material
A student removes compost into a bucket
Good Morning Wildcats! LMCS is on a two-hour delay today, Wednesday, March 5th! Again, LMCS is on a two-hour delay today. Thank you!
9 days ago, LMCS Updates
Sullivan 180 is seeking applications from Sullivan County residents who are 16 to 20 for its Internship Program. Those accepted into the program will work alongside community volunteers, May through August, helping bring projects to life, take part in leadership development meetings and participate in a Day of Service project. The paid internship offers competitive wages, resume-building experience, valuable networking opportunities, leadership training and hands-on skill development. Applications are due by March 27. For more details and to download the application, visit sullivan180.org/internships or reach out to Anne-Louise Scandariato, director of community engagement, at anne-louise@sullivan180.org or 845-295-2405.
9 days ago, Livingston Manor Central School
What’s in a name? A mascot? A school’s colors? These decisions will define the spirit of our new Livingston Manor-Roscoe CSD, and we need YOUR input! Join our ThoughtExchange today to share your ideas for the new school name, mascot, and colors. Your thoughts will help guide the Board of Education in this important process. Deadline to share: March 6 Click here to participate! https://tejoin.com/scroll/996308761
10 days ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A blackboard in the background with a hand holding a billboard that reads  take our school district identity thought exchange survey
The Book Fair will be open tomorrow. Also, tomorrow, March 3, LMCS elementary school will celebrate Read Across America, encouraging kids to "Grab Your Hat and Read with the Cat!" There will be themes each day of the week for children in pre-kindergarten through sixth grade, and tomorrow will be "Green Eggs and Ham" (wear Green)!!
11 days ago, Julie Buck
As part of the collaboration days in the middle/high school, students complete an enrichment. On Friday, enrichment was a self defense demonstration put on by Joseph Poppo and another master martial artist accompanied by one of our students, Jack MacManus, from the Liberty Moo Duk Kwan Academy.
12 days ago, Livingston Manor Central School
Students watch a self-defense demostration in the gym
A student prepares to strike a board during a self-defense/martial arts demonstration
A student finishes striking a board during a self-defense/martial arts demonstration
A student turns after striking a board during a self-defense/martial arts demonstration
A student prepares to  strike a board during a self-defense/martial arts demonstration
A student finishes striking a board during a self-defense/martial arts demonstration
A student celebrates after striking a board during a self-defense/martial arts demonstration
Next week, March 3-7, Livingston Manor Elementary School will celebrate Read Across America, encouraging kids to "Grab Your Hat and Read with the Cat!" There will be themes each day for children in pre-kindergarten through sixth grade. Monday will be "Green Eggs and Ham" (wear Green) Tuesday is "Fox in Socks" (wear crazy socks) Wednesday is "Wacky Wednesday" (wear clothes inside-out, different shoes, wacky hair) Thursday is "Cat in the Hat" (wear a favorite hat) Friday is "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" (wear red and blue)
13 days ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A flyer with Dr. Seuss charaters promoting Read Across america week with details listed in the post.
Your Voice Matters! The newly merged Livingston Manor-Roscoe CSD needs YOUR ideas! What should our new school’s name, mascot, and colors be? This is your chance to help shape our new identity! Share your ideas and see what others think through our ThoughtExchange. Your input will be reviewed by the Board of Education Subcommittee on March 6, with next steps shared on March 18. Join the conversation now! https://tejoin.com/scroll/996308761
13 days ago, Livingston Manor Central School
A blackboard in the background with a hand holding a billboard that reads  take our school district identity thought exchange survey
Please set up your child's eWallet so they can shop cash-free at the book fair. https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/WildcatsPTSA The Book Fair opens Monday, March 3rd, and cash or checks are also accepted.
13 days ago, Julie Buck
Livingston Manor-Roscoe boys basketball seniors Joshua and Kyle Hendrickson and Logan Park were honored earlier this week during Senior Night. Good luck to these young men as they embark on their next adventures beyond high school. Thank you to Bonnie Hoag for the wonderful photos!
13 days ago, Livingston Manor Central School
Three basketball players pose with four adults
A basketball player holds a flower.
Two basketball players stand stand at center court holding flowers
Two basketball players stand with two adults at center court
A basketball player stands between two adults at center court
Congratulations to the boys varsity basketball team which will take on Eldred in the Section IX Class D Boys Championship game at 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 4th. The game will take place at Mount St. Mary College, at 330 Powell Ave in Newburgh. Tickets are $8 and can be purchased at https://gofan.co/event/3326740?schoolId=NYSPHSAA9. The event will also be livestreamed by NFHS Network at https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/nysphsaasix/gamd7bb5d9292. A subscription is required. Good luck Team!
14 days ago, LMCS Updates