On a marble background , the Livingston Manor school logo sits at left with "A message from the superintendent

Dear Livingston Manor families,

The recent bitter cold weather has acutely reminded us that winter is here and in full force.

We took steps to help keep our students safe from the cold by running two-hour delays earlier this week to allow for slightly warmer conditions while waiting for bus pickup or walking to school.

We also are aware of inconsistent heating abilities within our 86-year-old building. 

And while fixing our heating issue was part of the capital project approved by voters in 2023, these projects take time and are not a quick fix.

Unlike improvements and repairs to your home, capital construction projects in schools are much more complex and require multiple levels of design reviews and approval by the State Education Department. I am very happy to report that in early January all of the necessary approvals were completed and our design team is meeting to discuss and develop bidding documents and materials in the coming weeks. We are hopeful work on certain elements of the project can begin this summer and be completed before next year’s heating season. 

We closely monitor temperatures throughout our building to ensure they are within state Education Department guidelines. However, our hallways are colder than our classrooms, making the building seem colder.

We are doing what we can to help keep our students comfortable. We also encourage our students and staff to be aware of the inconsistent temperatures throughout the building, and to dress warmly in layers to help accommodate the temperature fluctuations.

When temperatures outside are warm enough, we allow — and encourage —  outside recess. Students who participate in outdoor activities should wear warm jackets, mittens or gloves, hats and scarves, and must wear boots and snowsuits or other appropriate snow gear if they wish to play in the snow.

Educationally yours,

John Evans,
