Livingston Manor Capital Project

On May 16, 2023, voters of the Livingston Manor Central School District approved two capital projects:

Voters approved:

  • A $21 million capital project to address building systems upgrades, maintenance and security updates: 244  yes; 117 no

  • A $7 million capital project to repair the pedestrian bridge and flood walls: 248 yes; 112 no

The first project would addresses the most urgent plumbing, electrical and mechanical issues, safety and security enhancements and rear parking lot and drainage improvements. A significant portion of the project costs would be reimbursable at the district’s building aid rate of 68.8% up to the maximum cost allowance formula.

The district will use about $5 million from a capital reserve fund established in 2005 and $4 million of available fund balance to help offset the local share of the project, which leaves $12 million remaining that would be paid for through an estimated one-time 4.18% tax levy increase.

The second project will reconstruct the deteriorating flood walls and pedestrian bridge on the school campus, which will soon be unsafe for use if not fixed. The $7 million project requires a one-time tax levy increase of 7.02%, as the project is not expected to be eligible for state aid or be offset with reserve funds or fund balance.

The average tax levy increase for a house assessed at $100,000 with STAR is an additional $40.90 for the $21 million project and an additional $68.63 for the $7 million project. Pending state approval, work could begin in the 2024-25 school year and last through the 2025-26 school year.

“Although there is still more work to do, these proposed projects address the most urgent building needs, improving the health and safety infrastructure for our students and the overall efficiency of our school building,” Superintendent John Evans said.

Cost breakdown

Proposition 2 (Building project)

  • Safety and security: $787,400

    • Create a central, secure vestibule

    • Replace exterior doors

    • Fire escape restoration

  • Mechanical, electrical and plumbing upgrades: $17,379,600

    • Various upgrades to outdated HVAC,

      plumbing and electrical systems for

      safety and efficiency

    • Increase heating capacity

    • Improve ventilation in attic

    • Replace underground oil tank

    • Provide LED lighting in the gymnasium

  • Building maintenance and repairs:


    • Restore the slate roof

    • Partial auditorium roof replacement

    • Exterior masonry and trim restoration

      on the building

  • Kitchen safety, code and

    functionality upgrades: $372,600

  • Parking lot reconstruction: $1,864,000

Construction budget: $17,572,390

Incidental budget: $3,427,61

Total budget: $21,000,000

Proposition 3 (Bridge and Flood walls

Construction budget: $5,841,000

Incidental budget: $1,159,000

Total budget: $7,000,000

For a full cost breakdown , see the table below

Photos of project areas

Proposition 2

School Building

Construction Cost



Create New Central Secure Entrance Vestibule


Building Exterior Masonry and Trim Restoration - Allowance


Exterior Door Replacements


Fire Escape Restoration


Slate Roof Restoration - Allowance


Partial Auditorium Roof Deck Replacement


Kitchen Safety and Code Upgrades


Rear Parking Lot Reconstruction and Storm Drainage Work


Replace Main Electrical Switchgear


Replace Cast Iron Drainage Piping in Original Building


Replace Copper Plumbing and Gate Valves in Original Building


Replace Galvanized Drainage Piping in Original Building


Replace Storm Piping Used for Electrical Pathways, Rewire South Site Lighting


Re-route Elevator Sump Discharges to Sanitary Sewer


Provide Acid Neutralization Traps at Science Room Sinks


Provide Sediment Traps at Art Room and Wood Shop Sinks


Provide Pressure Reducing Valve on Main Water Service


Provide Water Meter on Boiler Makeup, Tie into DDC for Leak Detection.  Provide Water Softener for Heating System


Replace Ductless Split Systems for HS Offices, Art Office and Special Services


Scope Existing Sanitary Lines from Kitchen - Line Existing Piping


Replace A/C Systems Serving Guidance and Library


Replace Attic Air Handlers and Heating Coils, Remove Abandoned Steam Piping, and Reconfigure and Correct Ductwork


Replace 1967 Gymnasium Air Handlers with New Rooftop Systems


Provide Ventilation for Attic in 1938 Building


Provide Glycol Makeup Tank with Increased Capacity for New Attic Hot Water Systems


Provide New Heat Tracing System for All Gutters


Replace Kitchen Grease Trap with New Outdoor Unit


Replace Frank Adams Electrcial Panels in Kitchen/Cafeteria


Replace 15,000 Gallon Undeground Steel Oil Tank


Increase Heating Capacity in 1938 Building


Provide LED Lighting in Gymnasium


10% Construction Contingency


22% Incidental Budget


School Building Scope Cost Total


Proposition 3

Bridge and Flood Walls

Construction Cost

Reconstruct Footbridge Over Willowemoc and Replace Retaining Walls Adjacent to Main Street


 10% Construction Contingency


 22% Incidental Budget


 Bridge and Flood Wall Scope Cost Total
